Pre School Drama

Pre School drama classes, dance classes and singing classes.

Drama schools are now very popular in the UK catering for all ages, however alongside these drama schools are also a number of pre school drama classes, singing classes, and dancing classes.

If you run a pre school class please call us now on 01923 721109 to advertise your school is just £75.00. for one year plus your own fully updatable microsite. Sing, dance, pretend, play; where will our imagination take us today?

Pyjama Drama

Pyjama Drama logo

Pyjama Drama runs drama and creative play classes for babies, toddlers and children up to 7 years old. These unique classes are packed full of drama games, music and movement plus lots of pretending and role-play.  

Pyjama Drama develops keys social skills such as communication, concentration, co-operation and creative thinking; Even babies as young as 6 months can benefit from drama games and play.

Classes in Wandsworth, Exeter and Wirral.