LAMDA Exams for children : London Academy of Dramatic Art
Acting exams are an excellent way to keep improving your speech and vocal skills as well as honing your acting techniques
LAMDA Are the largest examination board of speech and drama in the UK. There are Schools all over the UK that promote the wide range of Acting and speech examinations.
By taking regular acting, verse and prose exams pupils are able to measure their progress, gain certificates of personal achievement and receive expert appraisals from highly experienced assessors. Bronze, silver and Gold Medals also carry valuable UCAS points.
During your drama exam the examiner will produce written reports, these are then sent to the candidate arounds six weeks after the exam, the reports are very helpful and offer students guidance for improvement.
For more information on the syllabus available please click on the L.A.M.D.A link. You can find ideas for drama, scripts and plays by clicking here.
Preparing children for LAMDA Exams
Please use the school search facility on the top of this page to find a local drama school near you.
Are you preparing for a drama or performing arts exam?
If so make sure you have prepared well always read the play and know your characters objectives, also research the writer find out how the writers style has influenced the play you have chosen. If it is a period piece make sure you know a bit of history on the period, the internet is a great source of information and everything is there for you to find and enjoy.
Check out the suggested scripts page for ideas for drama exams and festival pieces, if you can't find what you need, send us an email and we'll see what we can do.
What questions will I be asked?
In the performance exams you will be expected to know about your character and their role within the play. Why you decided to block the scene the way you did and the characters objective within the scene. Also it is a good idea to have knowledge of the writers other plays and their style of writing. Always decide what you think the character looks like, what is their back story and and how is their relationship with the other characters. It is a good idea to notate your script so you really understand what the character is saying within the piece. There is nothing better than reading the whole play, don't leave it to the last minute, it is foolish as I have told students manny many times.
Remember you will get the result you have worked for. Working on characters is fun and deserves time spent on it.
Enjoy the process.
For example questions for students studying performing arts syllabus.
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