FAQ Drama Exam Questions

LAMDA Drama Exam Questions

Frequently asked  LAMDA Exam questions by drama students:

Please note these questions apply to performance exams only.

  • Question: "I am taking my medals in acting do I need to read the play?" 

    Answer:  Yes, yes, yes, you must read it, if possible see it it and discuss it with other students in class.If you attend an after school  class it is a good idea to choose a play that you have studied or are studying in school.
  • Question: "What do I need to know about my character?"

    Answer: You need to know who they are, their objective within the play, if the character has a change of mood during the piece and if so why? Make character notes to help you, it is useful to note the script so you can really get to grips with the character.
  • Question: "My teacher blocked my scene, is this OK?"

    Answer: Yes, but do know why your teacher has blocked it a certain way. Think about the reasoning behind moves and setting. For example if she/he has set it using three chairs, a table, a solo chair. It might be because the characters scene takes place in a front room of a flat or house.
  • Question: "Do I need to know about the writers style and other plays they have written."

    Answer: If you are taking grade 6 upwards.  I think it is a good idea to be able to talk about the writers style and the influences of the period. Get some knowledge of other plays they have written and dates of when they were published.
  • Question: "We are not allowed to wear costume so do I need to know what the character would wear?"

    Answer: Yes, it is always good to know what you think your character is wearing, different clothes make you move differently, so it is a good idea to explore this.
  • Question: "I am taking my first LAMDA exam and I have to learn two pieces, I keep forgetting my lines and I feel so nervous."

    Answer: Firstly the exams should be fun, drama is fun and this should be the reason why you are doing it. Secondly, if you practise daily you will remember your lines, I was once told, the only real reason to be nervous was if I was unprepared. I think this is very true. If you are taking an exam take it seriously and ensure you leave yourself plenty of time to rehearse. Practise may not not make perfect, but it definitely improves your performance.  

    Other questions you may well be asked.

  • Which of your characters do you most like and why?
  • What did your character feel like?
  • What is the character's objective?
  • How does the play end?
  • Is your character involved in the main plot?
  • Is your character important in the play as a whole?
  • What is the play about?
  • What are the dates of pieces chosen?
  • How important is the monologue in relation to the play?
  • Is the scene important in the play as a whole?
  • Do any changes of emotion take place during your scene, if so where?
  • What is your characters objective in your chosen scene and as the play as a whole?

    Preparation for your LAMDA Exam is so important, give yourself time to read the plays and anotate the script, find out how your character thinks, feels and what motivates them.

    Top tip:
  • For medals choose pieces from plays you have or are studying at school. :)

  • For those students doing medals it is good to know the dates of practioners birth, period that they were active. Also questions of the date of birth of the writers have been asked.

If you are a teacher and would like to add some questions and answers that you have experienced please email us, we would welcome your knowledge.