NYAT - National Youth Arts Trust | Funding for ages 12-25 years
National Youth Arts Trust
The National Youth Arts Trust aims to help underprivelled children from 12 -25 years access performing arts classes.
NYAT give bursaries for music lessons, dance classes and drama school (recall) audition and tuition fees to those who cannot afford to fund themselves, we set up youth theatres and drama projects in areas with little or no artistic opportunities, we run a mentoring scheme for drama school graduates, and we bring children to the theatre.
- “There are few options for young people who want to act but can’t afford the huge costs. The NYAT is one of very few organisations that help support this voice in continuing the journey and without their support it just wouldn’t be possible.”
Bursary recipient.
Bursaries: If money is stopping you from taking part in music, dance or drama, find out about our funding available.
We grant music bursaries, dance bursaries and drama bursaries, up to £1,000 each, to talented young people aged 12-25 who can’t afford to access opportunities in the arts. A bursary typically pays for a year’s part time dance, music or drama classes, and it can be used to cover some other expenses and costs too, including tuition fees at drama school.