Drama Scripts & Monologue and Duologue Scripts To Order
Drama school audition pieces for students and actors.
Drama scripts , monologues and duologues for exams, castings, drama school auditions or performance.
Whether you are looking for a piece for an exam or a casting we hope you will find something suitable here?
Most of these pieces I have tried and have had success with. If you need help in choosing something suitable please do get in contact we are very experienced in choosing pieces for our own students.
If you are looking for a solo piece or a duologue you may well find what you are looking for here. Plays by John Godber, Neil Simon, Ellen Dryden,Charlotte Keaty,David Hare,Sarah Daniels,Roald Dalhl,Amy Rosenthal,Winsomme Pinnock, April de Angelis, Debbie Issit, Dario Fo, Shakespeare, Alan Bleasdale, Woody Allen, Kenneth Grahame, Christopher Hampton, Frank Baum, Shell Connections, Edna Walsh, Callie Khouri, Robert Mauro, Wendy McLeoud, Jane Martin, A Warburton, William Golding, Nigel Williams and Willy Russel are included below
Below are a few plays that we can recommend for young students, if you need any help finding a suitable play please do email us and we will do our best to help. hello@dramaclasses.biz
The two of Us by Michael Frayn
A great two hander suitable for early twenties.
Young married couple with a new baby go away to discover holidays will never be the same again.
A comedy.
The Trestle at Pope Lick Creek by Naomi Wallace
I love this play, it has a couple of great monologues for girls and boys, 15 plus.
Plus a duologue for a girl and boy 15 plus. American.
Blood Brothers by Willy Russel
This well know play with music has a superb duolougue for boys 8 upwards.
You can also get a great ten minute extract from this play which works very well in group acting sections in Drama festivals.
Blackout by Davey Anderson
This play was part of the Shell connections plays.
It is a hard hitting drama about young offenders that is suitable for a boy of 15 plus.
Henna Night (French's Acting Editions) Henna Nights by Amy Rosenthal
A great little two hander for two late teens. I have used this for 15 plus. Though not ideal.
Story is of a young girl who when her relationship breaks down with her boyfriend finds herself living alone in a bedsit. Desperate she leaves a message on her ex boyfriends answer phone saying that she thinks she is pregnant, the new girlfriend hears this and turns up unexpectedly at Judiths flat.
Can use solos or duo from this play. Great little investment.
Distracted Globe (Acting Edition) Distracted Globe by Nick Warburton A very funny completion to Nick Warburton's trilogy of the Drama Club's production of Hamlet (seen on stage in Don't Blame it on the Boots and backstage in Easy Stages) which progresses to the after-show party! Meticulous stage-manager Gerry, in charge of the refreshments and music, marshals poor Patsy into artistically arranging bridge rolls, to the accompaniment of Peer Gynt!
Another must have for teachers especially as there are duologues and a ten minute piece to be extracted from this gem!
Here: A Play in Two Acts Here by Michael Frayn The plot of this 1993 drama is relatively straightforward – Phil and Kath a young twenty-something couple, move into a new flat and perpetually argue about where to put the furniture, what kind of decoration to use, and how they can best arrange their existences in a small space. The play is an example of a pacey witty exchange between two characters and I think very funny. We have used it for festivals and exams. Though the couple should be twentys you could have 16 plus performing it. You need to choose sections carefully but another good one espeacilly for your teenage students.
My Mother Said I never should by Charlotte Keatley.
This play is about the difficult relationships between mothers and daughters and explores the themes of independence, growing up and secrets. A really excellent play for exam medals. Lots on the internet so you can do lots of research. I loved this play when I saw it at The Watford Pace THeatre.
Blood Sweat and Tears by John Godber
Louise Underwood's life revolves around the hamburger restaurant where she works, and a night club: then she discovers judo. This inspiring play charts Louise's progress to Black Belt.
Great duologues for teenagers 15 plus.
Young students year 6 and under.
Toad of Toad Hall by A A Milne
This is a must have for teachers, there are so many possibilities for duologues, solos and group. I have used this for donkey's year. Great for character work.
The ant and the grasshopper: A children's play Ant and The GrassHopper by Rob Dearborn
This is great for your younger pupils, the Grasshopper makes a good monolouge as does the Ant has worked extremly well and one to have in your stock.
James and The Giant Peach.
I know it's old but it still works. Never hurts to have a copy.
A monologue book for children under sixteen
Finding young pieces is always difficult, this book is good to have on hand.
A monologue book for young actors
I don't personally know this but will be ordering one myself!
Impro book for teachers, nice one to keep in your case.
I have found this book very helpful, it has good impro starters
for classes and I have found it be a good companion.