Drama School Rickmansworth Blag Youth Theatre Rickmansworth

Rickmansworth Summer School delivers exceptional show

Blag Youth Theatre are experts in delivering high quality summer workshops

On  Monday July 29th a large group of excited children gathered to start their two week summer school with Blag Youth Theatre.

Blag have been delivering Summer schools for over 18 years and are most definitely one of the best in Hertfordshire at ensuring the kids have a ball and that the product they produce is a quality one.

Part 1- Act 1 has been split into short excerts so you watch in little bits.

All Blag scripts are original which makes their shows clever, funny and fast paced. There is something for everyone, you never see a bored parent at a Blag show!!!

The children all aged between 7-17 years receive their scripts on the first day, this is after an informal audition day a month prior to the start. The show is approximately 2 ½ hours with an interval, so as you can imagine they have a lot to learn.

But from the littlest to the biggest they dance, sing and act their way through the two weeks barely stopping to take a breath. On the last Friday all the children are driven by coach to The Elgiva Theatre in Chesham where a team of crew and a freshly painted set await them.

Who will by Parody!

The final rehearsal takes place on stage followed by an evening performance at 7:30pm, followed by some exhausted, buzzing kids who happily sing their way off home and to bed!!!

With a final show on the Saturday the project comes to an end, tears flow but be assured their memories are sweet and they can hardly wait till 2016!!!

If you would like to join Blag next Summer just email us lynn@dramaclasses.biz

Posted By Drama School Rickmansworth Blag Youth Theatre Rickmansworth


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