Drama School Rickmansworth Blag Youth Theatre Rickmansworth

Students from Blag Youth Theatre Rickmansworth

Students from Blag Youth Theatre Rickmansworth perform at Watford Pump House.

Students at Blag enjoyed performing at the Watford Pump house in February in their compilation show 'When I grow up'

The show featured children from 6-17 years and included extracts from 'Teechers', 'Art Attack', 'Shakers' and 'Snoopy'. Along with some superb acting the audience where treated to some excellent singing from the Blag Choir.

When I grow up.

Blag has been running for 20 years and has witnessed some tremendous transformations of children growing in confidence and self esteem. Giving them life skills that help them develop into confident adults.

Blag are proud that many of their students choose to study drama at further education and go on to have exciting careers in the theatre. 

If you would like further information on our drama and singing classes please do give us a ring on 01923 772320.

Posted By Drama School Rickmansworth Blag Youth Theatre Rickmansworth


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