Is working Backstage rewarding for a Performer?
Is working Backstage rewarding for a Performer?
Blag Youth Student Lucy Thomas swapped roles this Summer and discovered that working Backstage was very rewarding.
This was the first year since 2008 that I haven't performed in a Blag summer project, and I really didn't like the idea that I would have no involvement in the project at all, so I volunteered to help out with Matilda and the Chocolate Factory.
Although I did miss the performance side of things, I still had a great time and it was interesting to see what kind of organisation and work goes into putting on a show.
My job was to help the cast learn the show (particularly the dances). Also I was the runner backstage at the theatre (ensuring everyone was ready in the wings at the right time) and of course I was happy to help out in the tuck shop!
Having always been a performer, I've never really considered how hard people behind the scenes work. This experience has taught me that the technical crew and the creatives have a difficult job to do, and if it wasn't for them there wouldn't be a show, so it's important to respect them and listen to them. I've not only learnt about the backstage side of things, but also I've discovered more about performing. When the director is telling you that you can never do too much, or the choreographer wants a certain section to be performed in a certain way they're almost always right (and I could really see a difference when people actually took on board the direction they were given).
As I've been at Blag for over ten years now, I've really taken a lot from all the classes I've attended, but this experience has shown me that there are lots of other ways to get involved with productions in the theatre. I'm not sure I would give up being on stage, but working behind the scenes has been great. I now think that if you are going to try and make it as a performer, being part of the backstage crew at some point is a really useful exercise because then when you are cast in a show you will understand the importance of everyone's roles within the theatre.
Assisting the project staff this year has also opened my eyes to how rewarding teaching must be, as everyone was so proud of what they had achieved. So all in all Blag has not only developed me as a performer, but also as a person who can now recognise the support that comes from everyone backstage and acknowledge how much thought goes into the process as a whole.
As an audience member you often forget that the people in front of you have been tirelessly rehearsing for ages in advance, let alone what people such as the musical director have contributed, so it was great to see the cast really enjoy themselves on stage after they'd worked so hard. I cannot thank the amazing teachers who work with and have worked with Blag enough, as everything they do is greatly appreciated by everyone who attends Blag (which was proven on the last show of the project this year, as so many ex blaggers jumped at the chance to return to perform the Toilet Song).
I'll never forget playing Dotty in Wiz'ed or performing with all my best friends in Lard, but I have to say giving the 'beginners call' over the Elgiva tannoy was definitely one of the highlights of my time at Blag.
Posted By Drama School Rickmansworth Blag Youth Theatre Rickmansworth>