Blag Youth go back to the class room
Blag Youth Theatre are super excited to be returning to the class room.
After weeks and weeks on Zoom, it is with a huge amount of excitement that we can announce we are going back to face 2 face teaching. Term starts September 5th.
Classes will be slightly different, as in that there will be fewer students in each group/bubble and some classes will need to be 15 minutes shorter to allow for cleaning.
Each student will be given their own space with their own labelled chair. The classroom will allow for an acting space where circular rubber discs will ensure that the students always maintain their social distancing whilst using this space to perform.
Hand sanitiser will be provided and students will need to sanitise on enterting and exiting their lessons.
It is our aim to offer a safe and fun environment for children to come back to.
If you have any questions please do give us a call 07730 572714
Posted By Drama School Rickmansworth Blag Youth Theatre Rickmansworth>