Greenwich Drama School | Anna Fiorentini Theatre & Film School

Timetable for Greenwich Drama School | Anna Fiorentini Theatre & Film School

For further details about any of these classes please contact Greenwich Drama School | Anna Fiorentini Theatre & Film School directly using the details to the left

  • Greenwich Drama School | Anna Fiorentini Theatre & Film School logo

    Class Cost:
    £108 (9 week introductory course)

    1: Acting classes for 4-6 year old's in Greenwich


    Fiorentini Weenies classes for 4-6 years Greenwich

    Fiorentini Weenies classes introduce early-years students to the fun and excitement of the performing arts. In a safe and nurturing environment, children can explore new skills, make new friends and have fun.

    The classes will include a combination of Singing, Dance and Drama and will be designed to encourage creative and social development. We aim to inspire young imaginations and build confidence through inventive play, basic performance skills and artistic self-expression.

    Our teachers are talented, enthusiastic and highly experienced in working with this age-group. All teachers are fully CRB checked.

    This class takes place the following day(s):

    Saturday at 10:45-11:45

    Class Location:

    James Wolfe School, Royal Hill, Greenwich , Greenwich, London, London, SE10 8RZ

    0207 682 1403

  • Greenwich Drama School | Anna Fiorentini Theatre & Film School logo

    Class Cost:
    £300 per term

    2:Greenwich Morning Classes


    Drama-Singing-Dance Ages 6-18 years

    The Anna Fiorentini Theatre & Film School for 4 – 18 year olds, which is a not-for-profit organisation opened in 2001 and has gone on to win numerous Business Awards.

    The drama school in Greenwich has a growing reputation within the performing arts industry.  Students follow a full timetable of singing, acting, dance and film (acting for screen) giving them a well rounded training in performing arts.

    This class takes place the following day(s):

    Saturday at 10:00 - 13:00

    Class Location:

    James Wolfe School, Royal Hill, Greenwich , Greenwich, London, London, SE10 8RZ

    0207 682 1403