Fame Academy Bursary to fund West End Dreams £150,000 on offer for Musical Theatre Training The Fame Academy Bursary is offering up to 20 awards worth a total of £150,000 to aspiring performers to kick start or continue their musical theatre studies. If you are 17 or over and musical theatre is your passion and you are determined to succeed no matter what, then perhaps the Fame Academy Bursary can help. Go to www.bbc.co.uk/fameacademybursary for more information and details on how to apply. Musical Theatre Bursary entries close on Monday 2nd July 2007 Created from the success of BBC ONE’s Fame Academy programme, the Bursary allocates funds raised by public voting and since 2003 over £1million has been awarded to young musicians from a range of genres. The public voting on How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria? and more recently Any Dream Will Do raised funds that have enabled the Musical Theatre Bursary to be launched. Performers can apply for funding to cover a wide range of activities to assist them on the road to achieving their musical theatre dreams. Whether it is course fees, living expenses, independent vocal coaching, dance training, travel, studying abroad or even learning how to market themselves in an ever changing industry, all applications will be considered. Andrew Lloyd Webber currently searching for Joseph said : "I am absolutely delighted that the popularity of 'How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria' and 'Any Dream Will Do' is not only benefiting young performers by introducing musical theatre to new and younger audiences, but is also helping provide much needed financial support to promising performers". The scheme is not untried or untested. After How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria?, the girls who made it to Maria School, but not to the TV show, were given the opportunity to apply for a Maria Bursary to further their training. A fund worth £40,000 was available and awards were made which will help many of them continue towards their ultimate goal of landing a dream role. Mary Hammond, Head of Musical Theatre, Royal Academy of Music said “With the TV profile of musical theatre performance growing ever stronger, access to good musical theatre education and training is key for the future health of the industry. A lack of financial help is often the biggest obstacle faced by potential students - the Fame Academy Bursary offers a vital lifeline to those wishing to take the time to develop their musical theatre skills”.
Posted By Jigsaw Performing Arts School Enfield *>