Jigsaw Performing Arts School in St Albans

How To Become A Drama Teacher

‘My passion for drama began in my early teens, when I joined Blag Youth Theatre. There I was able to expand my knowledge and experiment with improvisation and scripted pieces. It also gave me performance opportunities which confirmed my passion for the arts. I left school with 3 A-levels (Theatre studies, Music and English Lit.) in 1998. I went on to do a three year degree in Drama and Theatre Studies and graduated in 2001. During the following 3 years I worked with a variety of different aged children running outdoor adventure activities. I then made the decision to become a secondary school teacher and to go back to university; so in 2004 I started a PGCE in drama at Chester University. This course took a year and was very hands-on with two teaching placements in different schools. Once I completed this year I started as an NQT (Newly Qualified teacher) at a school in Hertfordshire - Once I had done one year at this school i was a fully-qualified teacher of drama!! For more information please visit our 'How To become a drama teacher' Page. You will find this by clicking 'home' and then 'Drama Resources and Plays'. It is then listed on the left hand side.

Posted By Jigsaw Performing Arts School in St Albans


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