Jigsaw Performing Arts School in St Albans

Film Casting

We are currently casting a feature film for a prominent director and are searching for 3 young boys for important roles. Please find details below: Film: The Impossible Director: J A Bayona Producers: Apaches Entertainment & Telecinico Cinema 'THE IMPOSSIBLE' will shoot this summer. It is director J A Bayona's next film following on from his award winning debut 'The Orphanage' which was produced by Guillermo del Toro (Pan's Labyrinth). It will be his first English language feature and is highly anticipated by critics and fans alike. Shaheen has frequently cast young people who have no prior acting experience: Notes on a Scandal; Peter Pan; The Others; 28 Weeks Later and Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire. Please feel free to check her credits at http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0047071 . Shaheen Baig is looking to cast 3 boys to play brothers, in leading roles, the age range is between 4 -11 years. We are very keen to find newcomers for these roles and are holding an open call in central London on 30th January. Please contact shaheen.baig@btconnect.com

Posted By Jigsaw Performing Arts School in St Albans


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