Jigsaw Performing Arts School in St Albans

Perform with Stagecoach Chertsey

Stagecoach Perform in the West End.

In November 2022, a performance troupe of 20 Stagecoach Chertsey students were chosen to perform in the West End at a gala evening at The Shaftesbury Theatre!

Take a look at our videos to see their fantastic performance! Students regularly appear in events and perform at Her Majesty's Theatre and The Shaftesbury Theatre in London.

Book a 2 week TRY OUT now
SING, DANCE, ACT! Saturday classes for ages 4-6 and 6-18. Boost Confidence, make new friends, have fun learning new skills. Now Enrolling for Spring Term starting Saturday 14th January 2023

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Posted By Jigsaw Performing Arts School in St Albans


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