We had a great day at ActorsExpo last weekend and made some good contacts. The day was jam packed with workshops for actors and talks on ’How to make It in Hollywood’, ‘Secrets from the casting couch’ by Nancy Bishop (You can buy her book, check out our ‘Casting Tips for Actors’ Page) and Brian Timoney was giving a workshop on ‘Method acting’ to name but three, all talks and workshops were very well received. I met loads of lovely actors all looking for ways to hone their craft and gain experience. On the main stage actors performed monologues (Though to be honest it was hard to hear them which must have been fairly soul destroying) and Pineapple Performing Arts gave us some superb dance routines. The age range was suitably mixed with children as young as 12 to actors who were probably in their late 60’s though all had one thing in common …a love of the arts. It is at events like these that you feel honoured and proud to be an actor. Roll on next year.
Posted By Jigsaw Performing Arts School Sevenoaks *>