Jigsaw Performing Arts School Surbiton

Performing Arts Bursary

As viewers vote each week, 14p per call will go to the BBC Performing Arts Fund, which gives bursaries to aspiring performers and musicians. The remaining cost of the call goes on charges and administrative costs to the service provider BT (the company that provides the call voting platform) and in tax. Viewers will be charged 25p per call from a BT landline. Other operators and mobiles may be higher and viewers will be reminded of this. The fund launched the Musical Theatre Bursary Scheme in 2007 and awarded £150,000 in bursaries to 36 aspiring performers. The bursaries went towards fees, living expenses, extra training and self-promotion. The 2008 Musical Theatre Bursary launches on 19 March and will again award bursaries –applications can be made online at bbc.co.uk/performingartsfund. The BBC Performing Arts Fund is a registered charity. The fund (formerly Fame Academy Bursary Trust) was set up in 2003 within the BBC. The fund receives revenue from the voting lines of BBC One entertainment programmes that seek to find new performing talent (including Fame Academy, How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria? and Any Dream Will Do). To date the fund has allocated £2.4million to fund young musicians, from a range of genres, to help them pursue their careers in music. For further bursary details visit: bbc.co.uk/fameacademybursary (before 18 March 2008) bbc.co.uk/performingartsfund (after 18 March 2008)

Posted By Jigsaw Performing Arts School Surbiton


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