If Your running a drama school or drama class why not get involved in your local drama Festival. It is a great way to give children or adults a performance opportunity. This is a note to let you know that the outline programmes for the 2010 Milton Keynes Music and Speech and Drama Festival are now available to view and download from our website ; www.miltonkeynesfestival.org A more detailed programme with lists of performers is available to purchase at the festival. We warmly welcome visitors to our festival as an audience to our performers. A small charge is made to help with our venue costs. Refreshments are available at the venue, which this year, is Thornton College (www.thorntoncollege.com) Our professional adjudicators will give constructive, positive feedback and each entrant will take away a certificate and feedback sheet for each of their classes and in addition there are prizes and trophies to win. We are also holding a special School Age Choirs Festival at Milton Keynes Theatre on Wednesday 26 May 2010 for which tickets are available from the theatre box office or on the day at £ 3.50 for a morning or afternoon session or £6 for both sessions. I do hope you will come along and support this event if you are able. We are still accepting entries for this part of our festival and all details are on our website