Little voices East Lancashire,Craven, Wharfedale and Harrogate

West end this Summer

Plays for teenagers taking acting exams at Medal Level

 Finding plays that are suitable for teenagers taking acting exam at Medal Level is always exciting and can be challenging.
I recently went to see, ‘People, Places and Things’, by Duncan Macmillan at The Trafalgar Theatre, the play is about a young actress with drug and alcohol problems also suffering with grief.

There is a great modern monologue for a older teen, however I think to do this piece justice the student would need to have be in touch with her emotions so she could make believable substitutions to bring the piece to life.
I would highly recommend this play.

Another play I think is fantastic for teens, ‘Will someone tell me how to start a revolution’, by Luke Barnes. Luke is well known for writing for younger actors, ‘Sad Club’, also has some fantastic monologues for young actors.

Looking for pre 1979 has caused some teachers a bit of a dilemma however, Neil Simon has some great plays, such as, ‘Star Spangled Girl’, ‘The Importance of being Earnest’ Oscar Wilde, ‘This property is condemmed’, and ‘Street Car’, by Tenessee Williams.

I hope you enjoy finding plays for your students and also that you get to visit the theatre over the holidays.

Check out Todays TIX for some great deals.

Posted By Little voices East Lancashire,Craven, Wharfedale and Harrogate


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