Little voices East Lancashire,Craven, Wharfedale and Harrogate

Can attending Drama classes from a Young Age help young children with their social development and life skills?

September Term is the ideal time to start a new after school activity such as Speech and Drama and the perfect way to help your child with their social interactions.


Enrolling children in drama classes and theatre schools is a great way to give them that extra boost they sometimes need to aid in the development of important life skills. The range of benefits on offer is varied, the classes helping to develop an assortment of social, emotional, cognitive and physical skills. The classes are also a wonderful way to get your child interacting with other children of their age and learn how to behave in social and group situations. The major benefits can be categorised into the four all-important C’s: Confidence, Communication, Concentration and Coordination.

The adult world is constantly harping on that confidence is the key to success - instilling this sentiment in the mind of your child is just as important! Getting toddlers to actively engage with other children through playing games is an excellent way to help them develop the self-confidence to express their feelings about the world as it appears to them. Children are also encouraged to use their creativity to explore different ways they are able to express themselves. As well as a sense of inner confidence and creativity, enrolling your child in a local theatre school can also help them develop the self-assurance to use an extended vocabulary and initiate communication with others. These all play an important role in helping children establish a sense of individual presence and aid in the development of communication, leadership and public speaking skills that set the foundations for confidence later in life.

The ability to effectively communicate with other humans is an essential part of a child’s development. Theatre schools are a wonderful way to help your child develop their own communication skills through song, dance, acting and other drama related activities. By communicating through a medium other than speech, children gain a broader confidence in their abilities to interact in a variety of social situations.

Concentration is something that many children struggle with. Drama and theatre classes are a helpful way to assist your child in developing concentration skills that will mature with them as they grow. While toddler schedules are primarily fun and undemanding, the sheer process of practising routines, learning lyrics, memorising dance moves and listening to instructions is the perfect way for your child to start developing their concentration abilities in an enjoyable and creative environment.

For children that struggle with coordination, attending stage school is a beneficial way to help them develop physical abilities and exercise better control over their bodies. Dance routines, games and creative self-expression activities are highly effective in helping kids explore what their bodies are capable of while other forms of drama are great for refining posture and encouraging kids to carry themselves with poise and speak clearly. Theatre schools provide children with a safe, comfortable and encouraging environment in which to explore these physical areas which they may not get a chance to do in everyday life. Keeping kids active is also hugely beneficial to their overall development and physical health. Exercise is proven to be beneficial to the mind, meaning enrolling your child in drama school will help keep them physically and mentally happy.

The four C’s all work together and overlap to help children develop the skills that will stay with them throughout their adult lives. Enrolling your child in a theatre school is a great way to nurture the development of these abilities and help your child navigate the path to young adulthood.

Posted By Little voices East Lancashire,Craven, Wharfedale and Harrogate


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