Welcome to dramaclasses a brand new online directory for drama schools and pupils. The site which has just been launched is offering all drama schools/facilitators three months free subscription. The idea behind the site is offer low cost advertising to all size drama schools. We offer a similar service to YELL.COM for a third of the price! Please enjoy looking around the site and remember to keep coming back as we aim to add schools on a daily basis. BLAG YOUTH NEWS Blag youth theatre are looking forward to another exciting year ahead. With two full scale musicals productions scheduled for the summer. Both shows one a spoof on ‘The Ugly Duckling’ re-titled ‘UG’ and the other a spoof on ‘Grease’ re-titled ‘Lard Is the Word’ are guaranteed to keep all the kids on their toes! The shows are written especially for them with every child boasting a speaking part. With a formula of 5 gags a page even the adults can be assured of a great night out. Blag Youth are delighted to be able to perform at The Elgiva Theatre and regularly play to full houses. Anyone looking for funny, original writing, in the form of a script for performance can contact the Blag Office on 01923 772320.
Posted By Little Voices South West London - Richmond, Putney, Fulham>