Little Voices South West London - Richmond, Putney, Fulham

Blag Youth's Summer Project was a major success in Rickmansworth

Summer in Chorleywood with Blag Youth Theatre


July 25th saw the begining of Blag's summer project. The project sees a bunch of kids go from casting to a full scale musical in just two weeks. This year it was 'Mary Droppins', a spoof on Mary Poppins and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

In just 5 days the whole 2 and half hour show was set, dance numbers (All 18 of them) choreographed and lines learnt! It is amazing what the children manage in such a short time. Every child has a speaking part and Blag create lots of principal roles and cameos ensuring each child has their moment. The script is funny so the parents love the show.

Next years will be a spoof on Grease and a wonderful tribute to 'Olivia Newton John', the show will be called, Grease..ish or it just a load of lard?

Two weeks of fun, dance and drama, auditions next July and the project runs from the 24th July for two weeks.

Who will be our Danny and Sandy...want to get involved then check out Blag Youth and send us an email to be put on next years list.

Posted By Little Voices South West London - Richmond, Putney, Fulham


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