‘My passion for drama began in my early teens, when I joined Blag Youth Theatre. There I was able to expand my knowledge and experiment with improvisation and scripted pieces. It also gave me performance opportunities which confirmed my passion for the arts. I left school with 3 A-levels (Theatre studies, Music and English Lit.) in 1998. I went on to do a three year degree in Drama and Theatre Studies and graduated in 2001. During the following 3 years I worked with a variety of different aged children running outdoor adventure activities. I then made the decision to become a secondary school teacher and to go back to university; so in 2004 I started a PGCE in drama at Chester University. This course took a year and was very hands-on with two teaching placements in different schools. Once I completed this year I started as an NQT (Newly Qualified teacher) at a school in Hertfordshire - Once I had done one year at this school i was a fully-qualified teacher of drama!! For more information please visit our 'How To become a drama teacher' Page. You will find this by clicking 'home' and then 'Drama Resources and Plays'. It is then listed on the left hand side.