Performing Arts-Summer Schools and Summer Courses UK and Ireland.

Summer Schools and Summer Courses available this Summer in the UK and Ireland.

The UK's biggest list of Summer Schools and Summer Courses in the UK and Ireland in 2015.

As the Summer approaches many parents are looking for exciting opportunities to occupy their children during the Summer Holidays. The summer holidays can feel very long to children and parents so engaging your child in a new activity such as drama, singing or dance can be the perfect solution to make the summer, a season to remember.


Summer courses are a great way to boost your child’s confidence and give them sustainable life skills they can take into their adult life.

Our list of Summer Drama and Performing Arts schools in the UK and Ireland are available to children all ages in all areas of the UK.

How to find the perfect Summer Activity.

  • Use our search engine to locate your nearest Drama and Performing Arts School.
  • Compare schools in your area.
  • Identify what the school offers in terms of dance, drama and singing. 

Summer fun for all agesQuestions to ask yourself.

  1.  Do I want a musical theatre course that culminates in a fully produced show in a Theatre?
  2.  Do I want a short 3 or 4 day course?
  3.  Do I want a film acting workshop?
  4.  Do I want a particular performing arts discipline?
  5.  Do I want a full day summer course that runs during work day hours?

Once you have answered these questions you can narrow down the summer activity in your local area and make an informative choice.

If you can’t find the perfect fit we can help you, just get in contact by emailing us at and we will find you something suitable to make your child’s summer holiday go with a bang.

  • Drama, dance and singing skills are a great way to develop your child’s confidence this summer and in an environment of fun, energetic creativity, they will be guaranteed to have a wonderful summer and make lifelong friends.

Summer holiday activities give your child an exciting new dynamic which stimulates their minds and occupies them in a very positive way.

You’ll even get to share their excitement at the display or summer show at the end of the course or workshop. The excitement and great sense of worth this will give your child is immeasurable.

Putting your child in an unfamiliar but safe environment is a great way for your child to move forward and make the changes the long summer holidays afford.      

The summer holidays have long been recognised as the a bench mark for growth in both height and mind and as your child returns to school in September an inch taller and sporting a brand new blazer they will take with them their experiences and life skills they cultivated during the long summer and weeks they spent at summer drama school.

Visit our website and check out our list of summer courses and summer schools