Work Experience in the Theatre
Finding work Experience in the Theatre
Finding work experience is a very daunting prospect especially if you want a career in the Arts. After all, who wants to spend two weeks filing, or stacking shelves when you could be doing something related to your chosen career?
Firstly compile your CV, making sure you include all your previous experience. Make sure you leave yourself plenty of time to track down your perfect work place.
The best place to start is locally, your Theatre, Arts Centre or Theatre company. Use this list to find a theatre near you. Next you need to find out who your first point of contact is and then write a letter introducing yourself and what your intention is.
- To find more information on how to gain work experience visit Ambassador Theatre Group Creative Learning this web site, The Ambassador Theatre Group offers regular opportunities for young people and students to gain experience of working life in the commercial theatre sector.
Other useful publications:
'Contacts' (available from Spotlight): lists all theatres and theatre companies in the UK, plus production companies, casting agents and agents. To order please ring 020 7440 5026 or go to
The Actors union is another great source for information on the Performing Arts industry.
Don't forget when writing to your contacts to ensure your spelling is correct, take time on your letter and ask someone to check it, it so easy to miss a mistake. Remember this is your chance to make a good impression.
Here are some ideas for finding work experience in the Theatre.
Back stage/technical work: This is a great way to find out what goes on behind the scenes. Approach your local amateur company or find out some names of set builders and production companies and get writing.
Film studios/runner: Being a runner is hard work but it will give you a fantastic opportunity to see what goes on on a film set, again use your contact book to source Film production companies. There are literally hundreds of young people making short films. Check out Virgin Shorts and Shootingpeople. Costume/props:Angels in London could be your starting block give them a call and ask if they take on people for work experience if not maybe they could suggest a company that do.
Box Office: Your local theatre is the obvious choice, why not give them a call now. Produce your own play: Why not get a group of like minded friends together and create your own work experience.
You could write a sketch show just choose a theme like jobs or maybe a decade and get writing. If you live near London go and see 'News revue' at The Canal Cafe to give an idea of what can be achieved. Then you could fund raise to pay for a small space for example your local church hall and away you go. Leaflets can be easily designed on your computer.